Development of BECCS Projects under VERRA CCS+ Methodology

We carried out a detailed feasibility study for a European client to evaluate the potential eligibility of two different types of bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS) projects under the Verra CCS+ methodology.
This study conducted an in-depth examination of the applicability of Verra’s new Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS+) methodology on BECCS project activities in the European Union. It included a comprehensive evaluation of compliance with applicability criteria, a demonstration of the project’s additionality, and an exploration of biomass sustainability requirements and monitoring requirements across the capture, transport and storage segments.
Lastly, the project also included detailed calculations of emissions removals and reductions. The intersections with current EU legislation were also evaluated.

Project Summary
We evaluated critical aspects of the project’s viability and implementation potential, developing a full analysis of the implementation of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

The findings aimed to highlight potential critical obstacles, proposed solutions to possible challenges, and provided key considerations to be addressed with potential project partners, such as those providing CO2 storage and CO2 transport services.
Our Projects