Refrigerant Gas Carbon Policy Analysis for Industry Leader

We have conducted an in-depth carbon policy analysis for a company specialized in the recovery, reclamation, and repurposing of refrigerant gases
This study assessed the potential opportunities for accessing climate finance in the European market for the destruction of ozone depleting substances (ODS) or the reclamation of HFCs. ODS and HFC emissions represent a significant source of gases driving climate change and carbon projects destroying or reclaiming refrigerant gases can effectively tackle these emissions.
Energy Changes supports the development of refrigerant emissions mitigation projects and has additionally led the development of the Verra methodology VM0016 Recovery and Destruction of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) from Products.

Project Summary
The sector represents significant emission reductions potential

As the worldwide demand for refrigeration and air conditioning is steadily rising, not only due to increasing temperatures but also because of a growing population and rapid urbanization, emissions from refrigerant gases are projected to increase. Existing international legislation such as the Montreal Protocol and Paris Agreement currently do not regulate the end-of-life treatment of ODS and HFCs, and therefore these gases often lead to significant uncontrolled emissions.
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